A Thousand Moons on a Thousand Rivers 千江有水千江月

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Love letters

My soon to be 4 years old daughter came home with two envelopes in her hands. I opened them up, found out they were from her preschool classmates J and C. One letter says: Dear T, you are my best friend. I love your shiny shoes. Love J. The other says:Dear T, you are my best friend, I love you because you are very nice. Love C. I was in awe. These are the first two hand written letters she got in her life, and they are two 6 years old girls, how cool is that? Eagerly, I asked her whether she wants to "write" some letter back, she shrugged and said "Nah". I wonder what those 6 years old see in her?

Next day I went to her school to attend one of her boy friends's birthday celerbration. On the way out, C, the 6 year old girl asked my daughter whether she can carry my daughter's backpack. I thanked her and told her that I could carry for T. Her teacher smiled and told me in whisper: you know T never carries her backpack, there is always some older kid carry for her. Wow, could I be more surprised. How did she get all those love? She is amazing.